Hickel CPA


Tax | Accounting | Payroll

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We're a small office that's big on knowledge and experience.  Even though we have years of experience, the tax code is constantly changing, we invest in continuing education to stay trained and up-to-date on tax matters.


Hickel CPA has been a part of the Hinsdale business community for over 40 years.  Our key to success is providing you with the best in personalized service from our staff of seasoned professionals. 


We're not going anywhere. Hickel CPA is a  family owned business and now under ownership of the 2nd generation CPA.  Our clients know we are here to stay.  We care about our clients and it's reflected in our reputation. 

Current News

Eclipse Day
2024-04-08 14:24 2024 Eclipse   Thank you to our client, Jim, for sharing his passion for the eclipse and for providing us glasses to safely view the eclipse.  We took a few minutes to see the event and then back to...
Meet our new intern!
2024-01-09 16:04 Hickel CPA has a new intern!    Please welcome Austin Sarcletti!  Austin is our new intern and will with us for the spring semester.  Austin is studying business administration at Western Kentucky U...
Individual Tax Return Deadline
2023-04-01 12:29 Individual Tax Return Deadline is 4/18/2023   The clock is ticking down to timely file your 2022 tax return!  Your 2022 Individual Tax Return is due on April 18, 2023.  Tax appointments are almost g...
Credit Monitoring
2023-02-07 14:56 Data breaches.   ​​Clients concerned about sensitive information breaches (Equifax, Wells Fargo, etc...) should frequently monitor their credit.  Start with CreditKarma for a free resource that will...